Monday, June 29, 2009

True Entrepreneurship in a City Packed Like Sardines

One final reason why a city is not such an inhospital place to ninja: The city is crowded and nuts. Who would notice a man getting stuck from behind with a poison pin at lunch time on the crowded streets of Fifth Ave? And even if a New Yorker did see it, would they even care? But I’ve already touched upon the great camouflage the crowd provides.

Rather than being a detriment to the success of a modern stealth organization, the gargantuan amount of people in New York City is one of the greatest benefits--and not just for concealment purposes. Think of the money! That’s what mercenaries are about, right? What better time and place for a ninja to get back into business then right now in NYC? The market is, quite literally, thousands of times greater than the market of Old Japan! I don’t know how they find their clients—I’m assuming the ninja make first contact, perhaps with a clandestine note to a person in need for spilled blood—or perhaps they’ve already won a lucrative contract with the mafia—it doesn’t matter, those things can be debated later—the point is: NYC has close to nine million people in it each and every day!

The chaos and energy nine million people bring with them is enough to mask many things. In a city, the chance of the clan’s activity being discovered is kept at a minimum. As anyone who once transferred from a tiny school to a large school (or vice versa) knows, private information of any sort is always kept more private at the larger school, where ripples are hard to make; where not everybody knows you; where there is generally more business and all sorts of information flying around at all times. So despite the existence of many more eyes, overpopulation suits a secret well, especially the day-to-day operation (as ridiculous as it may sound) of a modern day ninja organization.

Take the clan’s headquarters, for example—how much harder would it be to locate this hideout in suffocating New York, with its “don’t give a damn” citizens, as opposed to the sparse vistas of someplace rural, where the people are not only obliging but knowledgeable to every little thing that goes on around them?

In the country rumors spread and stick and are often true. In the city, rumors are loose, wild, and overly abundant to the point where New Yorkers don’t pay them any mind at all. “Oh, there’s ninja in New York? You don’t say?” And they go back to their day just like that, determined not to waste another second on another stupid bit of information from another weirdo stranger.

As of now, we’re just about finished making arguments for the ninja’s possible existence. From here on, the game gets slower.

What you might not know about me…is that I’m out late, walking in the city nearly every night, with my head to the sky, looking and looking, at the dark rooftops, the neon signs, the fire escapes, everything, just looking and looking. For ninja.

That is not an easy thing for a twenty something year old man to admit. But I’m convinced that I’m not wasting my time, even if ninja aren’t real. I like the city at night. Before ninja rumors came along, I was out taking late strolls anyways. The difference is, now I’m happier.

This blog is for all those who take walks late at night, not knowing what they’re looking for. We finally have something to look for.

I’m going to keep you up to date on anything ninja related from the streets of Manhattan herself. Most likely, I will spill into the other boroughs as well, on particularly restless nights.

But for my next post I have a special treat. A transcript of the growingly famous Melinda Gomez sighting in which a “ninja” was spotted rather eerily in the Bronx.

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